Maryland's Lierman Steps Down as Party Chairman
You may know Terry Lierman as Howard Dean's National Finance Chairman back in the day. For the past two and a half years, Terry has served as Chairman of Maryland's Democratic Party and has been transformed the party from a peripheral organization that hosted fundraising dinners and printed sample ballots to a vibrant channel of the electorates' activism - culminating in the 2006 Coordinated Campaign and the dramatic Democratic election gains seen in every county in Maryland.
Much of the credit goes to Terry Lierman. He provided the Party with unprecedented resources and skilled staff. His commitment to each jurisdiction in Maryland was not only evidenced by the odometer on his car, but the results at the ballot box. Democrats enjoyed victories in Southern Maryland and the Eastern Shore, as well as revitalizing traditional Democratic strongholds. The party's work on precinct organization and resource sharing allowed our candidates to focus on reaching voters. Across Maryland, old deceitful tactics and voter suppression antics of the other side seemed to backfire at every opportunity.
Today, as we look at the Maryland Democratic Party, we see a model for other states to adopt best practices. We also see a solid structure that will work with our Governor and other elected officials to keep Maryland on the right track for years to come.
With so many challenges facing our state and country, both domestically and internationally, the time has come to Terry to focus his skills and talent in another endeavor - as Chief of Staff to the Majority Leader. Steny Hoyer has asked Terry to oversee both the Congressman's House and District staffs, as well as the office of House Majority Leader. The opportunities this affords Terry are immeasurable, and we all certainly benefit by having someone of Terry's political acumen in such a key position.
This will not be Terry's first tenure on Capitol Hill. Shortly after graduating college, he joined the staff of the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations and became the youngest Staff Director/Chief Clerk in committee history under the late Senator Warren Magnuson (D-WA). There Terry guided more than 90 professional staff responsible for policy and funding recommendations for every federal program and department.
Terry has worked very hard to give Maryland's Democrats an organizational structure that benefits all Marylanders. Our Party includes people of all communities and persuasions. It is our collective responsibility to keep our Party organization vital and active.
Together, united and enabled.,0,2843583.story?track=rss