Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Democratic Message
I think we could wrap our message around one word - security.

In terms of framing (see George Lakoff), security has a very warm connotation and invokes ease and assuredness.

Democrats offer security. Economic Security. Health Security. Physical Security. Family Security.

We offer families financial security by managing taxes and budgets with fiscal restraint. Outlandish deficits impair our economy's comeback and over time undermine the value of families' savings and investments.

We offer health security by making care available and affordable. We offer legacy security by making education affordable; ensuring equal opportunities in the workplace and fostering an economy that grows retirement savings.

We fight for maintaining our social safety nets - like Social Security and Medicare. We meet our obligations to our veterans and their families.

We provide physical and national security. Democratic administrations avoided wars and protected us from terrorism. Democrats fund first-responders and maintain our infrastructure and military. Our initial successes were due to Democratic administration military preparedness; our recent failures are due to Republican administration policy.

We provide economic security by ensuring each strata of wealth contribute their fair-share to the community - without undue burden upon anyone. Democrats open avenues to success - allowing everyone opportunities to gain wealth.

FDR said we only need fear fear itself. Democrats provide security and that message can be summed-up on a bumper sticker.

Democratic Security vs. Republican Uncertainty


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