Progressive Cheverly
I am proud to be a member of Progressive Cheverly. This is a true grassroots neighborhood organization that have been mobilized to act by recent events.

We have accomplished so much in the past few months. I invite you to look at our Statement of Mission and Principles. It is a document born of consensus of the community where we live. We will use this to guide our activities in local, state and national matters.
The new organization has taken on a huge, unexpected project - a Wal-Mart store coming into our community trying to sneak in under the radar. Progressive Cheverly, as a new organization, has rallied it's members and neighboring community governments and civic associations. While fighting that battle, we were able to draft and enact organizational bylaws, conduct organization elections, work on other projects and sessions with our legislators and earned the respect of those legislators.
Progressive Cheverly not only has invigorated many of us - it has helped validate our inner compass. We shall prevail.